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What do you think should happen to people that have sex with animals?

EmeraldJewel 7 May 18

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Shotgun wedding.


Not much, at most it should a social misdemeanor like indecent exposure. I feel a puritanical streak here, people recoiling then finding a rationale. It's not like child abuse, if daycares or schools had the appalling environment that factory farm animals live in it wouldn't be tolerated. I see religious fanatics similarly condemn homosexuality, "it's unnatural stone them to death". People are just weird about sex. Including me, just the thought of sucking a dick skeeves me out but I don't think my prejudices should be the basis of law and morality.


Wow ...Holy Inquisition Some comments here could come straight from the Torquemadas... Perhaps the punishment could include quartering, swallowing molten lead ...

Sex with an animal deserves bizarre punsihments: e.g.castration etc, but murdering an animal just to please your gustatory senses is ok?
How does one castrate a woman?


They don't consent to such things. That's gross and horrible. People should be put in prison for that.


A worm doesn't give consent to be eaten by the chickens either. Food is different than abusing for pleasure or gain. If you kill a bunch of chickens just for the pleasure of the kill and leave them to rot, well there are laws against that.

Having sex with an animal is abuse.


Have you ever been fishing?


Wonton waste should have consequences attached to them. I have seen dogs pulling wagons and sleds that seem to be enjoying it but then could it be the treats that motivates them?


Hey, the only thing wrong with screwing sheep is that you have to run around to the other side to kiss them...sorry I couldnt resist

lerlo Level 8 May 18, 2018

I would support the death penalty for any and all animal abuse.

Does thst include murder and consumption?

@Hutch in an ideal world....

i'd sign it.


I personally think its wrong to have sex with animals and discusting. Just me though. AS for the bible person saying animals that have sex with him goto hell, something for them to think about, the bible says basically only we humans have a soul. lol so animals don't go any where according the so called b.s. scriptures.

It is disgusting!

@EmeraldJewel Yeah, all dogs go to heaven

Typically what happens when sn xtian tries to discuss the bible with athiests...they just don't know?


Who cares. As long as Old Shep is into it, I don’t know why anyone should get involved. I’m not into it myself but for some people, it’s the only closeness they have.

Iffy Level 5 May 18, 2018

to rape an animal? what sort of "closeness" is that?


Somewhere in the Bible it has a comment about it's okay with one's handmaidens and goats. I always thought that was hilarious. Maybe that's where unicorns came from. LOL In reality, all animals have a sex drive. If you look around you'll occasionally see different species engaging in sex. Unfortunately, we are animals, not so far elevated above the other animals. That it occurs is no surprise, any more than sadomasochistic tendencies. I prefer women in an equal partnership but I also recognize that humanity is still very primitive.

Lol wow!


Tell them it can be dangerous.

Coldo Level 8 May 18, 2018

I think sex should be consensual between all parties. How can an animal give sexual consent? There is a woman on You Tube who brags about sex with her German Shepherd, and she shows her face in the video!

Given the enthusiasm that dogs hump legs, I don't know how much more consent they could show.

I can’t say for certain but I imagine a dog would tear you up if it didn’t want it to happen.

@Buttercup A mentally ill human can become aroused but do they really understand it?

@DarwinistOne We can't use exactly the same standard or we have to demand animals get consent from other animals. And who decides the point at which a mentally ill person loses their autonomy. Another difficult line, should sexual release be denied someone profoundly disabled if it makes them feel better. Is an automatic no better than an automatic yes, there seem to be health benefits from sexuality. We turn comatose patients to improve muscle tone.


Tell them to go back to Montana.


They should take boudoir pictures of the two of them and post it all over social media along with details of the crime then 1000 hours community service at an animal shelter.


Obviously this question elevates humans behind their animal condition. It also introduces the idea of divine punishment by using the phrase "What ... should happen to people". But the question surprises me less that the responses.
Perhaps the venerable members should reflect upon the broader question of what the human primates do to other animals, including their fellow primates.
"Soliders are murderers" is a phrase that was coined by Kurt Tucholsky.
I would think that *beastiality** would rank much lower on my list of morally reprehensible acts human primates perform/commit on a regular basis.


That's sort of behavior gets my goat!


Castrate them

yes, i'd sign this too.


As long as the animal isn't hurt what's the harm? I met a man once who boasted he had sex with all of the types of animal on his father's farm. He said the chickens would die after sex and his father would give him a beating every time a chicken died. Bizarre, but true.

disgusting & callous.


If this question seems a little odd, that’s because it is and I had a Bible thumper quote scriptures from the Bible to me the other day when the topic came up on a public transmit bus about a woman who did this and the first thing she said was thy ought to be put to death. Had to come here and ask non religious people to get an opinion on their views on this subject, of course.

Sex with animals is completely unacceptable. As someone said, the animal can't consent. And there's something innately "off" about people who do this.

However, I always wonder why religious people's first response is to put someone to death. Pro-lifers want to kill women who have abortions and their doctors. It's oxymoronic... or maybe just plain moronic. How about therapy instead of death?


Put them in a cage with a lion and tell em.... y'all have fun.


It depends if they're trying for a baby.
{edit} typo

Hahaha! I have some Christians that believe it’s lossible to become pregnant by bulls.


The people in question should be castrated or chemically treated to remove their sex drive, as such acts against poor innocent and confused animals are beyond contempt and thoroughly nauseating.... the fact that there are human beings who actually engage in this activity are just further evidence as to why I prefer the company of animals over people


What should happen to a pooch fucking my leg ... without my consent?


The animals should probably be encouraged to interfere with the people, isn't that why beastiality is considered taboo.


Do what we normally do. Put the person on trial and punish them according to the law.


When I was in my 20's, my then boyfriend told me that during WW2 they had to put down a lot of sheep because servicemen were having sex with them and they got pregnant. They were afraid of what would come out. I came home and laughingly told my father the story I just heard. My father actually confirmed the story. Since my father was a scientist (Phd in Chemistry) I tend to believe him.

From what I have been told, this is fairly common in farming communities (I know several men who have been intimate with sheep/horses/etc). Not that this makes it right; personally I find it pretty disgusting. As for punishment, I think the registry some localities just passed to register animal abusers like sex abusers would be wonderful punishment along with either jail time or probation.

Sheep and humans cannot have offspring. Someone was pulling your leg

@jwd45244 I just know what my father told me, and he's the type that would not try to pull my leg. Remember though, during this time scientist knew nothing about DNA or whether or not human could successfully mate with animals.

@jwd45244 are you positive about that? I know a few in politics I'm not so sure about.

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