I think that the Universe as we are able to perceive it is the result of the innate characteristics of the relatively few elements that comprise all matter. Oxygen and Hydrogen under the right circumstances will always combine to form water which will always boil at a certain temperature under certain pressures and freeze under similar finite circumstances. But is this enough to explain creation? And doesn't it beg the question, From whence came the elements and what dictates their unique characteristics and interactions?
What suggests to you that god is the answer? where does he exist? Does he have a wife and children? why did he create this universe? why is it so imperfect if he or she had this infinite power?Now that he created us what does he /she expect to happen and why? Who or where did this god come from?
Of all the possible explanations, a magical creator would be the absolute last one I would consider.
There is "something" bigger than me. The Universe is big. But the JC stuff is a bunch of bullshit....pure nonsense. I have no interest in the "God" in the Bible.....
and the Bible.....what a bunch of fairy tales.
We are very young as inhabitants of this planet, and even younger when it comes to understanding yet the simplest of things, now explain quantum mechanics to me... No? Then how can we think we have the answer to the most complex of things? I think the realization of our lack of knowledge is why people turn to religion. Simple answer to the most complex of question. Ignorance is bliss...
Yep, the stupid do not want to get out of their 'lazy comfy' zone.
Quantum fluctuation, inflation, and the inevitable results as the event begins to cool. For a more complete explanation, take six years of physics that is heavy in astrophysics/cosmology.
I don't know but then again there's endless things I can't explain on earth let alone out there. personally, i think people find it so much easier to say god did it so they can keep blinkers on and stay happy in their own little bubble.
Good definition of religion.
And they call it "intelligent design" because it sounds good. They tell you to look at nature and it's Beauty and perfection and tell you there has to be a god. Can't we just leave it alone and enjoy it for what it is?
Yep, stupid and lazy.
I bought Laurence Krauss' book, A Universe from Nothing.
I need to read it again, or watch the lecture on YouTube.
We are star dust
No snappy little message or meme is going to cover it, if you really want the answers to your questions, study science. However, the short answer is, the universe is made up of matter and energy, actual stuff that is possessed of specific properties and which can only interact with the other stuff (matter and energy) in a limited number of ways. We describe these ways in which things can act and interact with what we call the laws of physics, chemistry and biology. These laws dictate probable outcomes of the interactions under any set of given conditions. The process is what it is, requires no higher power to operate it and will always continue unless the laws of physics, chemistry and biology change, which is at best, highly unlikely.
Therefore, in light of the nature of the way things are, it was always going to be inevitable that sooner or later, an entity, you for example, would evolve with sufficient intelligence to ask the questions that you just asked. QED
haha QED
There are various hypotheses about the origin of the universe, but there remains much to learn. I don't think cosmological constants, for example, are defined by an intelligence, because natural laws, unlike human laws, are just descriptions of how things work, not an indication of conscious decree. There's no harm or shame in admitting that there are things we don't know; in fact, it's that admission that allows us to continue to question and explore and hypothesize and test to learn more about our world. I think you're asking some good questions about what we know, how we know it, and the implications of such knowledge or lack of knowledge, but I think it's also important that we not fall victim to a god-of-the-gaps mindset when we encounter currently unanswered questions.
The first thing I enjoy about the word 'always' is that it is so temporary. Hehe...but there's the fun in life, questions questions questions. If you think you have an answer, you just haven't found the question yet.
Yep, if we had all the answers, life would be rather boring.
There was a post here that stated that god got lonely and committed suicide to create the universe thus we had the big bang when he exploded. Go with that if you need something to believe in.
And, thus, a new myth is created!
I sometimes think that there might be, or have been, a creator, which is why I usually refer to myself as agnostic rather than atheist. But I think it highly likely that this creator, if indeed such a thing exists or ever did exist, has absolutely no interest in humanity, and might in fact be unaware of our existence.
I don't know, but I wouldn't make up some BS to try and explain it away. That's the difference between science and religion. Science admits it doesn't know everything and adapts to knew discoveries, whereas all religions are buried deep up their own inflexible arseholes.
in the military we got the phrase "Beyond My Paygrade". I am sure federal government employees hear that phrase too. But it may be "Beyond Our Understanding". Once the closed doors in our brains open and we use more power we may be able to figure things out. Until then... we are just little speckles in the universe.
I don't have to explain it. My lack of answers, doesnt change reality. Anyones inability to concieve how it could purely be the result of natural causes, doesnt change reality. The nature of the universe is the exact same now as it was before there was anyone to think about it, as it will be after there is nobody left to think about it. How can you call existance "creation", after starting off with "OK. There is no god." Just that kind of language "begs the question", as creation implys a creator. Asking why things are the way they are, and how they got that way, are both great questions, but it hasnt even been demonstrated that they even could be any other way. The whole "if there is no creator" part of your question, seems more a demand that at least something needs to be crammed into the gaps if not god. Well sorry, we don't have those answers, thats why there is a gap we don't shove god into in the first place.
Point taken. By "creation" I mean the "springing into existence." Science has determined an age for the planet, the solar system, the galaxy and even the Universe. There was a beginning and there will be an end. A "creation" by whatever forces.
Maybe the elements were always here. There are theories now that the Big Bang was not the beginning. What if the elements that make up the universe are eternal? It doesn't need a creator to be eternal. It just always was. You skip the "maker" part and the "determined" part and just let it be eternal on it's own.
I cannot give it to you. I just could not stand the publicity and having to give a speech after they award me the Nobel prize for creativity and physics.
I know how you feel. I should be Emperor of the Earth but it just wouldn't allow enough "me" time.
The scientific explanation going around these days for creation and expansion of the Universe sounds pretty plausible. The Christian version?....not so much...LOL
In debating the origin of the universe with or without a creator, you will invariably come down to, SOMETHING has to be eternal. I think, using Occam's razor, the simpler idea is that the universe has always existed in some form, needing no creator. As for the elements and how they interact, in my studies of such things, I keep getting struck by the thought; "Well it could not have been otherwise." Everything is perfectly fitting together out of the necessity of the nature of it's being. Einstein was trying to come up with a unified field theory. He intuitively knew it was true but couldn't find a way to express it in scientific terms. If you look at all the laws of nature as separate things it will produce the question you asked. But they are not separate, they are all connected. Seeing that connection I am awe struck and what comes to mind is; "Well of course."
I agree. And the fact of the matter is, IT'S ALL ETERNAL!!! Everything is a freakin miracle, just beyond belief. And our time is very short, if you are a christian, and they don't believe in reincarnation, well....we spend a lot more time DEAD than alive...geez....let's face it. If there is nothing after you die, then life really means nothing and you might as well be and asshole.....and rape women, kill people, rob banks.....just be a derelict!!! Which doesn't make sense. I do believe there is a morality to the Universe, but I may be wrong.
@FlyingEagle1952 --- Do you really want to rape, rob and kill? There is a certain way that life works. If we live in harmony with that we are happy. Trying to bend life to our own will is actually working against our own lives. What we see as Our Own Will is actually our ego's will. (Ego being a distorted image of ourselves) When we get the ego out of the way we can live life according to natures design and be happy. Is that the universes morality? It depends on definitions. I don't look at the world and life in terms of morality or good and evil but rather wisdom and foolishness.
You might like the book Counting to God by Douglas Ell.