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What is a New Year’s resolution that you cannot ever keep?

Do you make NY resolutions? I don’t really celebrate New Year’s, I celebrate birthdays as new years.

Annaleda 8 Dec 15

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The resolution itself


I've kept my last one as that was to never have another one because they're a stupid idea. if you want to stop doing something then just stop.


I have kept exactly ONE New Year's Resolution. To never make another New Year's Resolution. Cutting down on sweets or being nicer to my siblings never worked, and oh so many others. I realized New Year's is a bad time to think about making life changes.

great minds


I never make them. If it is good enough for a resolution the date doesnt matter


I make the same New Years resolution every year, I swear to not make a New Years resolution the following year. I have yet to fail. Batting a 1000! Why set yourself up to fail?


Each year I resolve to make a New Year's resolution, but I always fail.


Have never made a New Year's resolution in my entire life -- and don't intend to ever.


Getting religion...just kidding, I wouldn't even set that one.


I never make them.

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