38 3

Do you use any form of the word Jesus Christ when/if you swear?

MyLiege 7 Dec 16

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Jesus H Christ. Jesus F-Ing Christ.


of course these are some of my favorite bad words

turf Level 5 Dec 16, 2017

Cheese and Rice!




I use 'Christ on a crutch' quite regularly.

I use Christ in a bucket.


yeah... nothing is immune to my wrath.... the greatest cussing I ever heard was by a 10 year old boy in Rota Spain during a Good Friday procession used toward his sister. That opened up the book to me. The spanish language is very creative and precise. But I admit I don't fowl language much, just don't feel that much need to.


I'm often heard saying "jeebus" "urgh ma gurd" or even sometimes "holy jeebus" recently on striking my thumb with a hammer a colleague over heard me say "by gandalfs Holy beard that hurt" i don't know if that one counts?

Dav87 Level 6 Dec 16, 2017

I recently saw a video in which someone responded to eating particularly spicy food with "Oh, Jear Desus"! I may have to start doing that. It's too funny to pass up.


Swearing is a known and effective form of stress relief and yes I use Jesus Christ as well as many others. I use them at home or with friends do my best to avoid in public or at work out of respect for others. If anyone would have a sense of humor historical Jesus I think would.

Quarm Level 6 Mar 24, 2019

I use all the swear words and have been said to "swear like a sailor." What does that mean? How would you swear using non-religious words? I have discovered that if you swear around believers they have a tear in their eyes and ask you to stop as if you are hurting their deity.


I use it very often but I find myself mixing and matching with other deities. Muhammad Christ! Zeus Damnit, etc.


I really try not to swear, because it becomes a habit that's hard to break.

Orbit Level 7 Dec 16, 2018

Jeeez that's a toughie. Be Jesus with an Irish accent comes out as Be Jaysus 🙂

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