Most atheist and agnostics can really care less what they believe in. We just, for the most part, don’t want them trying to force their beliefs down our throats and have the Ten Commandments hung up in the court houses and the constant threats to non-believers or anybody that don’t share their faith. They get their feelings hurt and cry persecution when people question and try to be reasonable and point out illogical things. Tell me I’m not the only one who feel like this.
I do diverge on just letting them believe/practice as they wish though.
I think the recent cases of child abuse and neglect show just letting them be isn't good for those under their grasp. Letting Jibbers take care of illness is tantamount to manslaughter if not murder.
It is illogical from the outset and the deeper you dig the more illogical (and downright insane) it becomes. Is it any surprise then that they cry persecution and claim their feelings are hurt? We are dealing with people who have willingly handed their lives over to the dictates of their church! Never going to make any sense of that.
I must admit that Christian heaven sounds pretty hellish to me.
I've never figured out what christians really envision when they think of heaven. Now Mormons, they have it laid out in detail & boy is it crazy!
@Carin When I was a Christian I thought heaven would be something absolutely beyond understanding and comprehension... a state of knowing what God is while being simply consumed by love.
@Carin : Scientologists. Now that's crazy! Their Heaven is literally out of this world.
@pryan That actually sounds very pleasant! Wish I could believe something like that.
No, I am not close enough to them to notice anything.
Persecution to a Christian is not being allowed to murder people in the name of their god...
Non-sense world-views can easily cause nonsensical behavior.
From what I understand: many Christians have been told all their lives that the world belongs to them by divine decree. They are owed supremacy.
Meaning every minor infringement on their whims is a genuine celestial crime.
Sometimes I think it's a reflection of their relationship with their god. He hates the slightest act of disobedience, and Christians who consider themselves stewards of this world are embracing the asshole position, so to speak.
For example like the bible quote about how women must submit to husbands as husbands submit to Jezus. See? It a ladder of submission; and us heathens on the lowest rung are not cowering in our corner as god almighty has ordained.
To summarize; No, you're not alone in feeling this way.
I feel you. My bio mom is convinced that there is indeed a war on Christmas. Even though Christmas is the most popular holiday in the entire world! Even pretty much every body celebrates it. It's aggravating