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Does happiness really come from within?

Is happiness an internal concept?
In other words, does our perspective and outlook on life determine how happy we are?


Is happiness affected by our external circumstances, such as environment and company that we keep?

What do you think about the saying, "happiness comes from within?"

silvereyes 8 Dec 19

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The only true happiness comes from within, as life is full of crap. Our responses to the inevitable crap is the difference between being happy or being depressed, angry, homicidal/suicidal, miserable, or other undesirable states, that are Not "happy".
The old sayings about "Look for the silver lining" and "make lemonade when life gives you lemons" are 100% true, it is your attitude that makes all the difference.


We are social animals, so we do need family, friends, and/or acquaintances to reinforce what should be on the inside, self-love. I think self-love should be present first. This aids the inner drive to reach out to others, show our vulnerabilities, and build deeply meaningful relationships with others. A strong sense of our self-worth is necessary when we are "attacked" by someone who does not have the positive self-image that we should have. In short, it is a beneficial self-perpetuating cycle of inside initiating the outward search which reinforces the inside well-being.


Happy as a pig in shit, pretty well defines happiness, the environment or circumstances have little or nothing to do with how you feel about things. Like all emotions they exist internally despite external expression.


Silvereyes: that's "attitude" with a capital "A", thankyuvurrymuch!


Silvereyes: No, I mean daily moments of pure unbounded joy, interspersed with moments of contentment. I remember what I have been through, how I could easily be dead, (especially with first hubby), and am flooded with happiness that I am here, now, warm, safe, and dammit, Happy!



  1. that's ATTITUDE, thankyuvurrymuch! Lol!
  2. No, I have moments of pure, all-encompassing Joy every day surrounded by feeling deep contentment other times. I do this by remembering the bad times and how incredibly lucky & tough I have been to be here now! Just wonderful!

Daily moments of pure joy: i look around at the life (actually a simple one) i have now, remember how awful most of it was, and am flooded with gratitude & happiness. To the point that sometimes i skip, or burst into song (my dogs are very forebearing, lol!).
Since i do not believe i got here by any means other than my perserverance, & some dumb luck, my joy is doubled, or perhaps tripled!
My one regret is, none of this simple wonderfulness started until i was 64...but, better late than never. I will just live another 30 or more years........
And may all of you do likewise!


Yes it really does comes from within and the only wa you can reach it is through meditation and believe.


Rereading this thread, which i found fascinating, and learned from, may i clarify that i firnmly believe that depression is a thing, a bad thing, and i in no way wanted to imply that everyone suffering from it can pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Having someone tell you to get over it, when you would give your teeth to be not depressed must be Awful! Sorry?


Yes: Within a bottle of vodka. Within a tub of Ben and Jerry's. Within a box of pizza.


Various Mystics have long taught that happiness comes from within. Basically they say that in order to achieve perpetual happiness you must begin by viewing outside events dispassionately. This they refer to as overcoming your physical circumstances. In other words, try to view negative events from a safe analytical distance as much as possible.


Happiness is a comparative condition, brought about by brain chemistry in response to internal and external stimuli.
You cannot be happy all the time, and would be considered insane or have some problem with your brain chemistry if you were.


Happiness comes from filling your time on earth with enough hobby's or work to distract you from how terrible many things are. In the end happiness is almost purely subjective.


YES......I live my life to that rule! Happiness comes from within!!!!! Very important part is how do you talk to yourself!

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