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Does this make you want to smoke weed?

Good news everyone!

JeffMesser 8 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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So many benefits. So little time.


nope not smoking

Rosh Level 7 May 28, 2018

Hells bells, the last thing I need is another excuse!
I had fairly nasty and intensive chemo last year. Was given all kinds of anti nausea medication, much of which was worse than the problem. There was only one thing that worked and worked instantly. Doesn't take three guesses...


IT's interesting that although the gov. has even gone so far as to outlaw research on the subject, many good sources are coming out that indeed the THC is good for you, even attacking Parkinson's, and the big C. It's "status" was just recently changed to a stimulant.


I want to smoke weed anyway and discovering it has many health benefits is more icing on the cake.

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