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Would you accept the notion that the republicans are a party of traitors?

Marine 8 May 31

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You are half way there...I contend both Democrats and Republicans are traitors, both parties have long been corrupt.




I think there should be a lot of tar and Feathering going on across party lines. this is not a Republican Party issue, this is a capitalism taking over government issue.


So.. A christian stating that its important to think critically about what we believe in..??????? Wouldn't the natural progression be straight to realizing that its all bullshit? ?


I get nervous when an entire group is lumped together. Even though I'm not one, I know there are some sensible Repubs out there, that are just as disgusted with their party as those not in it.


They are not "Traitors" to their own beliefs, just to everyone else's. However if hypocrisy were a capitol offence you would definitely require a lot of lumber and rope....


They may not be traitors but they are most certainly greedy self obsessed morons.


I do not think you can technically call them traitors. What many gop members and now 33 dems do is support regulations, or lack of regulations, for big corporate and the wealthy. They are not passing legislation that benefits the welfare of the majority of Americans. That does go against the oath they swore when they took office.


No, I would be careful in the use of the word traitor. I would also point out the fact that not all Republican's support President Trump. There are thousands of Republicans that hold public office whether at the federal, state or local level. Just because my fellow citizens do not agree with me does not make them traitors.

If you truly dislike and feel there needs to be a change in our countries politics start at your local level. Do not resort to name calling or making broad accusations. Seek common ground and work from there. Relish the triumphs and learn from the defeats.

It would be nice if everyone who is eligible to vote did but this is not the case. I believe voting is a civic duty no matter who you vote for. Encourage your friends, family and neighbors to vote.

MarkF Level 5 May 31, 2018

At this point, I would have to say yes. Most of my life Republicans were terrified fo Russia... Now they're defending it. They've pretty much lost thier way.


Former House Speaker John Boehner said today that the Republican Party as he once knew it is gone, replaced by what he called the “Trump party.”

"There is no Republican Party. There’s a Trump party,”

“The Republican Party is kind of taking a nap somewhere.”

cava Level 7 May 31, 2018

A couple years ago I would have said no. I can't say that anymore. I don't, however, equate all Republicans and conservatives with Trump supporters. I know a good many who don't drink the kool-aid-du-jour.

Deb57 Level 8 May 31, 2018

They are taking legal bribes, because the law has been hacked. They are criminals because they cut social services and have been killing people. They should be charged with crimes against humanity for denying climate change.


Which Republicans? Tea Party or normal people?

Most of them with a few exceptions.


Not helpful in the long run.


They are deaf, dumb and blind ignoring trump's nationalism and degregation of democracy.

That too.


I would accept this position on the basis that they promise so much to the people and do everything to destroy the basics they need. Examples are health ins for all,desire to eliminate social security, poor treatment of the environment,air,land and water,ample wages, protection of the workers on the job,sharing of the wealth produced by the workers,ample income to provide for retirement, an d so many other areas.When they are in power they do not care about the people that put them in power except for the wealthy. A good show of this in the current administration is the appointment of individuals to the various departments with the intent to reduce or eliminate the departments they head.

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