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Guys: is there a double standard?

Would you date a women older than you?

jab60 6 June 1

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I'm a woman who has dated younger by 8-25 years. I've always looked younger.

younger than what?

than my age lol

I think there are many men who love the idea of dating a women 15 - 25 years younger. I am not one of them. Don’t think I would have the stamina?. I should probably have done a poll. Just curious. Although the people on this app are much more open minded, I am not sure it would be a good representation


I have.

I just met a woman who is 8 years older. New experience for me.

See? You understand.

u kno de wae


Does a 6 months difference count?

Yeah. No?

Nope 🙂


Yes, I would. I think that I would only want to date a woman older than me, because they encourage me to grow more as a person. It's also a much bigger complement.

I'm older than you by a year,how would that be a compliment?


I lived for 15 years with a woman 7 years older than me


Absolutely yes! ❤️


I once dated a woman who was a year older than me.


I would date a man younger than me, if there was a meaningful connection.


When I was about 20 I dated someone that was 26, she's been after me since I was 16? Only relation I ever had that ended on a sour note. But even now I am 64 I don't see a problem.


Being a 27F i feel wierd finding a partner. They're either early 20s or in their 30/40s and (to some ) thats weird? There's no winning for anyone.


If the chemistry is there, sure.


It should be the other way around because women live longer but I've never been into guys much younger than me.

MsAl Level 8 June 1, 2018

I have and would do it again.


Yes and I have.


Married one.


Of course why not.


I have, and I would again. The only issue is that no one is currently knocking my door in, so I am content loving my few plants.


Yep. I did for years.

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