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These were the cutest critters I’d ever seen. Two short-eared owl babies and their mommy lounging on my gazebo. Not the best pics I’m afraid as I didn’t want to get too close and had to really zoom in.

graceylou 8 June 3
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Wow lucky you


Well that is just fantastic.

Mooolah Level 8 June 3, 2018

beautiful little family! i know what you mean about getting the perfect shot with the critters fleeing, or being respectful & accepting of a so-so pic.
a tawny frogmouth (australian type of owl) on my deck railing.

So cute!


Love your photos!

Unfortunately I usually don’t have my good camera ready to use when I see interesting critters pop up.

@graceylou Who carries even a crappy one? I'm sure some people do. I'm always putting my phone down somewhere ... that's my good one! 🙂

@AstralSmoke I always have my phone on hand but I wanted to use my Nikon with the zoom lens. I usually have it stashed unless I’m travelling. I did grab the Nikon but the batteries were dead. Shucks.

@graceylou Of course you have your phone on hand; most reasonable people do. Maybe if I could tape it to my forearm? Anyway, you take beautiful photos and I didn't think you took them with your phone, but even the phone ones are nice.

@AstralSmoke Oh most of them are taken with my phone. I don’t like lugging around my giant camera. These were taken at a local lake when I did take my camera.

@graceylou You just proved my point.


I live in an area that is considered the birdwatching capital of Alberta. My property is almost 20 acres of mostly fields and woods, with a large manmade dugout pond (this year it looks more like a marshland or swamp as it has swallowed up parts of the land around it). The area around our place is mostly farm fields and more woods. We have our permanent resident birds all year long, then we get numerous visiting migrating birds in the spring to fall. We can nature watch from the kitchen window, or the back porch, or just taking a stroll down to the pond.

graceylou Level 8 June 3, 2018

wow nice fox!

@Lukian There was a pair of them. I named them Mulder and Scully. They hung around just outside my house.

@graceylou That's the really cool thing about foxes. The often collaborate in pairs or threes and not necessary male and female.


Wow! That's a wonderful thing to find on your gazebo!

goyalion Level 3 June 3, 2018

lucky you to see them

btroje Level 9 June 3, 2018

We get surprises out here all the time. A great horned owl almost ran right into me once when I was walking my dogs. We had a big wolf that visited a few times when we first moved here.


Those are gorgeous. You're lucky to have been treated to that view.

JimG Level 8 June 3, 2018

Yes, it was an amazing opportunity.

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