5 13

Of course we all know this:

bigpawbullets 9 June 4
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Absolutely. Logical people tend to bond with cats. We understand each other.

Spudgun Level 7 June 5, 2020

Dogs obey slavishly, cats obey selectively.


My kitties are much nicer people than most people.


Illogical conclusion.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 4, 2020

Too small a data sampling?

@bigpawbullets No, logical prople do not choose to be emotional slaves.

Emotional slavery sounds pretty extreme.

@bigpawbullets LMAO people don't slave for cats for logical reasons! Name one.

Bear! Can you please define "slave for cats"?

@bigpawbullets Feeding, watering, cleaning out toilet trays, furballs & puke, brushing, vetting, stroking . . .

I take it you don't have any pets.

@bigpawbullets After 23¼ years I had to have my beloved PussPuss put down to stop further suffering (the vet extracted over 200mls of fluid from her abdomen & couldn't say if it would be days or weeks before filling again). So on a beautiful sunny day she went to her death cuddled on my shoulder in the vets surgery. I decided to take a break from being a slave and having to get home each night to wait on toilet tray and feeding requirements.
What do you do? Leave them outside to fend for themself & kill the native animals?

You were a great "cat dad".
And no, once we commit to "slavery" we're obligated to "the end of the line".

@bigpawbullets Glad to hear it.


😊 you are so right!

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