9 5

Lovely cat and music.


NoMagicCookie 8 Aug 10
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He has to sleep sometime... and he better close the bedroom door, because tat cat will find revenge somehow!! 🤣🤣🤣

So true !!


I didn't like the guy's singing either. Smart kitty to want to get away.

Spudgun Level 7 Aug 11, 2020

Put. The. Cat. Down!

Booklover Level 7 Aug 11, 2020

Cat is Pissed , loved some of cats expressions

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 11, 2020

That poor kitty. It looked like the sining was traumatizing the poor cat.

snytiger6 Level 9 Aug 11, 2020

I want to slap him . Twice !
😂😂😂cat likes him . Even if he is weird . They are friends .

Pralina1 Level 9 Aug 11, 2020

I made the same observation. When I was young I had a cat that acted much like this one. It would jump up on the couch then lay down so you would rub it's belly. Then it would snarl and fake bite you much like the cat in this video. When you would move away from the cat, it would be even less happy.

@NoMagicCookie cats are such lovable assholes ! I do not live w one , but had a century ago . 😂😂🦇🦇♥️


What an asshole.


Hurts my ears .Cat didn't like it either . And no double points .

Cast1es Level 9 Aug 11, 2020

Here's some points... You're getting close to level nine 🙂


Beautiful singing, but it seems to agitate the cat. The singer needs to remember that we are only here to serve the felines. This cat was very cute, but I would never expose myself to that kind of scratching and biting just to mess with the cat's head. I think he was being kind of selfish and cruel to the cat.

Cat is fully clawed. If it were really peeved, it could rip his arm open like a a knife through butter.

@NoMagicCookie That's what I was thinking too. I was becoming afraid of what I would see.

@TomMcGiverin When I was young had a cat with the same disposition. Nice cat just liked to fake bite and hiss etc. The only time it drew blood was when I was holding it like the guy in the video and a stray dog ran up to us and barked at it outside. Every claw left a path from my chest over my shoulder where the cat launched itself to chase after the dog. Think it was the same dog that ventured into our back yard weeks later. Cat opened the dog's nose up when it got too close to the food dish. Dog never returned.

@NoMagicCookie Sounds like a badass cat...

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