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LINK Cat that survived being shot in the head is now looking for a new home | Metro News

A cat that was shot in the head in a ‘callous’ attack has survived after emergency treatment – and rescuers now hope he can be found a new home.

snytiger6 9 Dec 3
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We had a cat a Simply Cats named Bear that had been shot in the eye with a BB gun, but we only had him for a few weeks, and he got adopted. He was a really sweet cat, even though he only had one eye.

Spudgun Level 7 Dec 4, 2020

We have a cat at Kittyland that was shot by a bb gun and has paralyed back legs. She scoots around dragging her back side and is named BB.

Susieq Level 7 Dec 4, 2020

On the other side of the coin - no one mentions that the animal was a caterwauler who keeps the neighbourhood awake each night or a feral that attacks other animals.

Is it any wonder that I didn't get on with my brother. He had an air rifle to take pot shots at cats in his yard.


This reminds me of a case many years ago in my area of Iowa. Some sick fuck broke into an animal shelter and attacked several of the cats there by grabbing them by the tail and swinging them from it. The cats that were not killed outright had to be euthanized due to the damage to their tails and the amount of pain they were in. After reading about it in the newspaper I hoped that the cops would catch the guy, but they never did, to my knowledge. I would like to have seen him hung by his balls so he could learn some of what agony he caused the cats.


Tie the bastard cat shooter up to a pole and let the new owner of the cat have a few free shots.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Dec 3, 2020

Aim for the face and eyes.

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