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Christmas Trees are made for kitties.

EyesThatSmile 8 Dec 8
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Especially if they can be decorated with small baubles of catnip.

Petter Level 9 Dec 11, 2020

I solved the problem a couple of years ago. I haven't bothered to put up a tree since my wife died. With only me in the house, why bother?

Spudgun Level 7 Dec 9, 2020

Fat overfed underexercised cats if they can't jump that high.


Cat proof? Are you new to cats? lol They find a way into EVERYTHING! I had one once type a message on FB to a friend. It was something along the lines of "aioshdgfuWUIO[UAGVUORG". He thought I was arguing with him. He replied. More words of wisdom from my end "asfohbaoebhoaenb" or whatever. I got another reply. When I woke up I was like WTF, then laughed my hull off! Too bad they couldn't break something I don't care about. Like the vault at the bank. lol They could do it if they wanted!

Cats are amazing creatures! I've said this before, but I like ANY cat more than most humans. Even the one that had a bad mental condition and would attack anything (including itself) violently from time to time. No joke. I warned the vet. He didn't believe me. But the guardian was going to uthanize her, and I told myself I would give her a good home. She had one until the day she died. She got outside and was probably attacked by a badger.

My brother had a cat like that but I think that he mistreated it.

@FrayedBear I already knew that had to be the case. Cats just don't act like that. I found out later that his grandson threw him across the room once. Don't know what else he did. With a cat like that, that already has trauma, you do something like that, you are just making it exponentially worse!


So far I've been so lucky when Kimbo eyed the tree I told him no very firmly and he just walked away. I do not intend to ever let him in the living room unsupervised until the tree is down.

My tree is on a table but the tables right next to the sofa so it would be no problem for him to take a leap and get to it.

Lorajay Level 9 Dec 8, 2020

Very pretty!


Or when the kitties are the tree....


Yeah, that first tree ain't cat proof, at least not for my idiots. That is a tiny hop, and they would try it as long as it takes to knock it down.

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Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.

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