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Please ignore my shitty house and only look at how cute Munchie is sitting in the sink.

Kynlei 8 Dec 22
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Gideon doesn't get in the sink, but he loves to get in the bathtub when I'm taking a shower. Just another weird thing about cats. Gotta love 'em, though.

Spudgun Level 7 Dec 23, 2020

Munchie did that once when he was very young. We have a seat in our shower and he just sat there wondering what I was doing.


Sometimes my cats lie in the bathroom sink. I wonder why that is? They look comfy.

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 23, 2020

He really only does it when someone is in the bathroom. I think he just likes to be close to us.


I doubt this means Munchie is ready for his bath.

Actually, I tried to get him out by turning on the water and he just looked at me like, "This is fine."



bobwjr Level 10 Dec 22, 2020

What a great pic!!!


I will take a picture of my Xena, Warrior Princess, the next time she does the same. She arranges herself like she is waiting for her retinue to arrive to worship her.


What is wrong with the house. Munchie sure is cute.

Let's put it this way, if the house was a car, it would have been totaled out ages ago.

@Kynlei I drive a car that looks like I live in it, I do not, I am a woodworker and I get dusty and so does my car.


good looking cat

glennlab Level 10 Dec 22, 2020
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