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My first grand cat! Following loss of our 17 YO black cat, my daughter chose her first cat. This is Brie (who rooms with Mac, so... Mac and Cheese). She already owns the place!

Zster 8 Apr 2
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It took us two weeks to find our cat Lilly. She got into the back room, I have no idea how as another cat we have wants to get back there and can not. We found her, she went off and passed. Any time a pet passes it is far beyond my comprehension to say anything. Nothing softens the blow, nothing takes the place of the friend. We always get another cat and so the love continues, but those who have passed are always remembered and loved.


& if you are taken in by those big innocent eyes . . .


So cute.


This will help to heal. It always does.

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 2, 2021

It really works. As Jack wound down, we knew that somewhere was a cat about to change course by merging its life with ours.


Cats own anyplace they walk into. As a child we had a cat who would enter the homes of neighbors and go to sleep on their beds.

snytiger6 Level 9 Apr 2, 2021

So cute. Hope she lives a long time.

Me too!!!

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