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Why is this a thing?

Kynlei 8 July 25
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I suspect it is an attempt to be able to give a cat a bath without bleeding.

Cats clean themselves. There really is no need for this.

snytiger6 Level 9 July 26, 2021

They prefer licking.

Why of all cat cartoons did they have to pick Pusheen? 😂

@Kynlei I didn't know Pusheen. I looked it up, that's a cool cat. Thanks.


I made the kitten ones that have been stuck in a swimming pool filter for a day or two and it didn't mind at all. It was a neighbor's cat and she said it actually seemed to enjoy baths.

I may try to give my cat a bath. Or I may just let him continue to bathe himself.

Lorajay Level 9 July 25, 2021

What good will it do to wash a cat in a bag? You can't soap and rinse the cat. If it had fleas they stay in the bag with the cat.

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 25, 2021

Haha... Have you ever tried to put a cat in a bag?

It was hard enough getting mine in the carrier when I moved. "There Will Be Blood"!


Holy shit, that's the cuddle bag I invented for my ex girlfriend's cat!!




Wow, 1001 ways to torture your cat for fun and profit.

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