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Decided to use my financial advisers face on my Visa card

CurmudgeonBoy 6 Oct 26
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You may want to change the photo to clack out the name and some of the numbers. You don't want to so publicly pass on you account number and name.

The cat on the card is cute though.

snytiger6 Level 9 Oct 27, 2021

Thanks for the heads up but I'm fairly sure I'll be OK. Somehow they changed my name to "YOUR NAME" , scrambled the numbers of my card for most of the digits to read 1234 5678 . And the card in the photo expired many months ago.

@CurmudgeonBoy so I noticed!

@CurmudgeonBoy Oops. Well, I am partially blind. So, I missed that.


They do dictate the money spent on cat food and pet products, at the very least. If they had their way, they would be in your will as heirs....

Yes , with Watson (his name) at 17 lbs is a healthy eater. Spent $88 for a chewy order that I hope lasts the month. and yes he is in my Will.

@CurmudgeonBoy I'm sure he appreciates being an heir and will miss you if you die before him, lol...


Lookin' good.


Your name is Catface or Catweasel?

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 26, 2021

His name is "Watson" but a friend suggested to call him BALEFUL


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