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I went to see these two Exotic Shorthairs (ESHs) that somehow ended up in a shelter. Unfortunately these brothers are not ideal for our home.

While there, this sweet Persian called out to me and licked me when I put my hand in her cage. She allowed me to hold her … but her fur was filthy and matted all over. The few teeth she has left will be removed. 😢

I went in wanting two more ESHs but left thinking of adopting a 12-year-old long hair. Am I nuts??

Apunzelle 7 Dec 13
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Yes, you are. Being nuts is one of the pre-requisites of successful pet ownership. Congratulations!

Spinliesel Level 9 Dec 15, 2021

The older sweet kitties still have a lot of love to give.

snytiger6 Level 9 Dec 14, 2021

I feel bad for the older kitties who have lost their homes and possibly their people. No, you are not nuts.


She chose you! How lucky you are.

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 13, 2021

In a word, NO. You just have a big, soft heart when it comes to cats. Matted fur or not, she looks adorable....


Cats can be full of love and kindness. I think they give far more than they ask. Age is one thing, many do not want to adopt them as they will pass soon. We get them and love them as they may not be able to love us for as long as a younger cat, but it does make a great difference for them.

As a widowed, partnerless human who now is far past middle age, I can relate to and sympathize for the poor older cats. We all need and want someone to love us for the rest of our time on this rock, even if we are likely to die before them.

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