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I have been thinking of getting a pussy cat, however where I live one is not allowed to let it out. I would need to get an enclosure so it can go out into the garden. Have to think about this a bit more.

Jolanta 9 Dec 28
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My cats have never gone outside and they're fine 🤷♀️

Kynlei Level 8 Dec 30, 2021

Cat rescues have cats that are used to staying inside all the time.

snytiger6 Level 9 Dec 29, 2021

This one is at the sit. Its about about ten feet long, 7 feet high. The cats get in & out through the wall cat flap. Its made out of 100mm square reo covered with chicken wire & shade cloth to keep the snakes out.

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 29, 2021

I trained my cats to accept a leash. Then i adapted with an enclosure with a leash. . Evolves with each cat with different personalities. I used a harness, not a collar only. Cats should not be free roaming. But outside with appropriate a zoo., it is possible. Start small. Rome was not built in a day.

Mooolah Level 8 Dec 28, 2021

As someone who just acquired a cat that was hit by a car, I have a firm opinion that cats do not belong outside. Personally, if I had my own home or even a deck or patio I would build a catio enclosure for my babies. You could probably build or have someone build something for a reasonable cost and I've seen a number of outdoor enclosures for cats that are commercially available. If I find a link, I'll post it here for you. That being said, indoor cats are perfectly happy provided they have enough stimulation- toys, hiding places and perches, and, if possible, a kitty companion.

SkagwayKim Level 7 Dec 28, 2021

My cats are indoor only. Too much danger outdoors. []


Not sure an enclosure will work unless it has a roof or some type of cover, like a cage.

Mark013 Level 7 Dec 28, 2021

I second the first comment. Cats can live excellent lives without going outside. No diseases, no fight injuries, no getting stranded in trees. They also tend to live longer.

MizJ Level 8 Dec 28, 2021

My girls are totally indoor kitties, & we own our own home. I had too many kitties killed outside that I just stopped letting any out. My current girls have never been outside other than in the carrier to bring them home from the shelter, or to see the vet.

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