2 15

I'm being watched. Pelly is settling in well with the other 3 cats and has recovered well from her injuries.

SkagwayKim 7 Feb 17
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Well, you can't get away with nuthin' ya know!

Glad to hear recovery has gone well.

She had her broken teeth removed and her spay surgery last week and neither slowed her down in the slightest. Best guess is she's about 2 years old but she acts like a kitten.

@SkagwayKim So good....sounds like a very strong kitty.


If you have kids or pets you are ALWAYS being watched. Glad she is settling in.

My pets are my kids but when I'm lucky all 4 are asleep at the same time.

@SkagwayKim When I am speaking to my human offspring, I refer to my cats as their sisters. They laugh, but they know they're all my babies.

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