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If this were true, it would explain a lot.

snytiger6 9 May 26
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It worked fine for me, maybe it's because you live in Canada.

@TomMcGiverin More than likely.


I do not understand, this is real, stupid people vote.

It's satire about just that.


I'm afraid it is true, and it explains a lot. The one part I differ with, is that I am always willing and glad to confront the stupid and point out their stupidity. I know some people might call that being mean, but it helps give my life purpose, and I enjoy it, so there! However, I am quite a minority in that respect, here in the Midwest, where Iowa Nice and enforced politeness are seen as mandatory, but I say, shove that! The stupid don't deserve to stay ignorant and blissfully comfortable with their stupidity.

The mentally-challenged are a whole other story, and I do give them a pass. They are pretty easy to differentiate from the simply stupid. Besides the stupid being unable to get sarcasm, it's also clearly apparent that most Americans are too dense to even get nuance either...

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