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Has anyone figured out how to teach a cat to read a clock? Whiskers comes into my room to get me up in the morning, sometimes before 5 AM, but usually between 6:30 and 7 AM, because he wants to go outside. I want him to wait as long as possible because once I get out of bed, put on a robe and go downstairs to open the door, I've woken up enough that I won't be going back to sleep.

snytiger6 9 June 19
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Rudy the red cat would begin to knock things over if I ignored his pleas for breakfast. He had me trained quite well.

Mooolah Level 8 June 21, 2022

In our house only certain persons are designated as persons who feed the cats... to avoid the cats lying and trying to get a second meal. I am not one of the "food people".

I do find it amusing that Whiskers only knocks things over in one of my nephew's rooms. My nephew has his own cat, which is a one person cat, and who doesn't like to have to share the house with two other cats, and she tries to claim my nephew's room as solely he own space, whereas the other two cats do not acknowledge her boundaries she has claimed as exclusively her territory. So, Whiskers when he goes into my nephew's room tends to knock things over as if saying in a passive aggressive way, "You aren't the boss of me." My nephew isn't too happy about it.


We have six cats and they all read a clock well. I am glad as if I sleep long enough they will start to get on top of me and wake me up. Fortunately, I have the clocks set so I can get some sleep.

Yeah, it is Whiskers walking on me to get me up. His meow isn't all that loud. However his purr. That is loud enough that my nephew claims to hear it in the next room over.


Mine never wake me up.


I bought a bag of cheap costume watches on eBay for my cat, Zippy. Whenever he wakes me too early, I reach into the bag and give him another watch. He then takes and runs around playing with it for hours while leaving me to sleep longer.
It's an ironic way to buy time, but it works.

OldGoat43 Level 9 June 19, 2022

Cats tell time by the sun, when the sun comes up it is time for breakfast. A solution to the problem of the cats waking you up too early is to shut them out of the bedroom or go to bed earlier. Good luck with that.

My girls never wake me up. They stay in bed until I get up, & sometimes they don't want to get up then either. They are more interested in ''breakfast'' later in the day.

We also could never shut them out of the bedroom anyway, they'd shred the carpet, & the door, trying to get in.


Train him to use a kitty litter tray.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 19, 2022
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