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LINK Cat Obsessed With Baby Brother Thinks He’s Also A Baby | The Dodo Cat Crazy - YouTube

The love between this kitty and his human brother. 😍😍

Apunzelle 7 Sep 10
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My mum tamed a young feral cat back in 1975. When my son was born a few months later and I brought him home from the hospital, the cat took it upon himself to be his guardian. He would lay by my son's room and only allow my mum and me to enter. Anyone else would get a swat and growl. He would let us know when my son was waking which gave me some time to get everything ready for feeding and changing. He watch as I bathed him and would sit at my feet as I rocked and fed my son.

I had never had a cat so interested in a child as he was. I thought it was amazing.

Betty Level 8 Apr 8, 2024

This is actually common behavior for cats and they will become extremely protective of the child...


Some cats really do think they are people, this one is so cute and amusing. I have also seen cats who think they are actually dogs and who interact with dogs as if they were the same species..

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