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Cat pics….

Killtheskyfairy 9 Oct 12
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It took me 45 minutes to just put a flea collar on Zippy. I can't imagine trying to dress him up for a photo.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Oct 12, 2022

When I was a kid I had a very calm cat, my sister once dressed her up in baby clothes. I will have to see if I can't find those pictures.

I used to do the same with a ginger kitten I had in the 6th grade. He was killed in a cat fight when he was about a year old because that was back in the day when, like the Flinstones, you put your cat out at night.

@Killtheskyfairy We did have an old tom cat that was allowed out whenever he wanted, and it wasn't unusual for him to be out at night. That was one tough kitty, he lived through six little kids, and one day he just didn't come home again.

@HippieChick58 so he used all his nine lives and my poor Linus only had the one.

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