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LINK Kitten rescued from hole in West Virginia bridge | WCYB

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WCHS) — Patrick the kitten is only two months old, but has already lived a harrowing life.

After he was spotted taking a stroll on a West Virginia bridge, he fell into a hole and needed help getting out.

The Kanawha-Charleston Humane Association said a passerby spotted the kitten trapped on the Patrick Street Bridge.

Estimating the feline's age at 2-3 months, the agency said in a Facebook post, "With all the traffic and the height, you can imagine this kitten was terrified beyond belief."

The woman who saw Patrick get stuck called emergency services to help rescue them. It took a team of police and firefighters to coordinate it.

A firefighter was lowered with a harness into the hole hundreds of feet in the air to save the kitten.

The shelter said Patrick is still pretty scared, but is being cared for until he is ready to be placed for adoption.

The Kanawha-Charleston Human Association said it accepting donations for Patrick and other cats at the shelter.

snytiger6 9 May 27
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Poor baby, I hope he is more stingy with the rest of his lives.

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Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness...Mini me

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