Train whiskers if you don't like it. My nephew once woke my aged father up by climbing on the arm of the chair my father was sleeping in & then jumping on him to wake him up. He certainly woke & fortunately didn't give him a coronary.
My father's automatic reaction was to backhand his grandson from off his lap & onto the floor.
Guess what? He never woke his grandad up like that again.
In typical fashion the boy's mother was still complaining about it 6 years later.
Lol @snytiger6 why your emoji response?
@FrayedBear Cats are not so easily trained. Also, the implied suggestion of smacking the cat off me was just cruel.
Whiskers is the most loving cat I can remember ever having. I'm not going to smack him for being loving.
@snytiger6 backhanding is self defence not the punishment of smacking. It seems that you need to learn that giving love includes setting & enforcing limits as to what is acceptable behaviour. Pushing the cat off your face into the crook of your arm where it is gently cuddled and caressed will very rapidly modify its behaviour to creep under your bedclothes & nudge your fingers to respond to the preferred behaviour.
If your cat is jumping on your face because it needs to get out to defecate install littrr trays or a cat door. If you didn't leave it kibble & water down overnight make sure that it is there for it.
Mine never wake me up.
Same!! They act shocked when the alarm goes off.
@HippieChick58 I don't use an alarm, & get up on my own. The girls mostly don't want to get up until they hear me in the kitchen.
@Lilac-JadeCanada I am still employed, so gotta get up to clock in on time. Once I retire...
@HippieChick58 Oh yeah, those pesky employment thingies....hahahaha.......
@Lilac-JadeCanada I don't usually use an alarm either. Not because the cat wakes me up... he usually wakes me up around 4 AM, because he wants some attention and expects me to get up, go downstairs and let him outside... after waiting a few minutes while he stops to crunch at the food bowls.
He has me very well trained.
@snytiger6 Of course he does! We are all well trained in certain areas. I must give treats on time, I must play laser after my nightly bath, & I must play fetch when the fuzzy ball is dropped at my feet or on my lap.
@Lilac-JadeCanada My nephews take care of most of the cat's playtime(s).
Me, I am just trained to give love and attention on demand... and to open doors for them.
Just fulfilling their duty, and reminding the hooman that the cat comes first in everything, including being more important than the owner's sleep..
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
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Posted by RobertNappi2Hey! I'm not done yet...
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Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness...Going Home...
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Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness