4 16

This made me laugh. 🤣

Betty 8 Apr 12
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My brother had a cat, Nelson, who was like that. Once caught him making off with my hindquarter taken from the dinner plate across the dining table.

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 13, 2024

A crime of opportunity. 😉

@Betty yes, I turned away to talk to my sister in law!

@FrayedBear It is frustrating at the time but makes for a funny story later. Cats are hilarious.

@Betty they just do what comes naturally.


Me, too!

pamagain Level 8 Apr 12, 2024

Did anyone else read Pussy Owl by Brigid Brophy, when they were a kid?

Very funny book for kids about the son of the owl and the pussycat, who is frankly a dick!
My favorite lines were always
"Being Pussyowl's friend, means you are friendly to Pussyowl." said Pussyowl sternly. "It does NOT mean Pussyowl is friendly to you!"
“Manners are for those who have neither beauty or talent but want people to like them despite their lack of attractions”


Trump sized version of Meow mix!

PaddyO Level 7 Apr 12, 2024
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