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Do you suffer from this condition? It happens a few times a day to me!

Killtheskyfairy 9 June 16
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I work from home and you have no idea what a picnic it is have a cat jump up in your lap and continuously head butt you while you’re trying to type up someone’s auto policy. And this little guys head butts could knock Hulk Hogan out.

Appleriver Level 8 June 16, 2024

He’s a cutie!


I have a large cat in a dog suit....since I got her this old house, which had a mouse or two every year for 40+ years, has not had one mouse...she finds the nests and eats the babies and therefore the population stays looooow.
Several cats I had didn't help at all.
She also has many other cat-like characteristics, like going crazy chasing tiny moving objects ( moths are a Huge fav) and resisting being moved from a warm comfy spot.
Plus she does tricks...take that, cat lovers!!!!


I would never say "suffer" about having a cat on my lap, it is quite pleasurable.


Guilty as charged!!


We call that "a COL" (Cat On Lap) in our house.

My sister who also has long covid can get one of the rest of us to refill her coffee cup for her when she has a COL. She was only accommodated half as often before she got long covid.

The cats appreciate her having long covid as she doesn't get up as often and they can settle longer on her.

snytiger6 Level 9 June 16, 2024

I hope she gets better soon but gets to enjoy her pampering and COL as long as she needs.🥺

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