3 12

So I got tired of hearing the chonky little man's full body throws at the window as he tried to capture the geckos on the other side, so I turned on the porch light so they'd relocate. That intense little dark glare you see coming off of him there? Yeah, that's love. I just know it's love.

Lauren 8 Oct 21
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If looks could kill? There'd be 20 dead geckos outside & one hooman inside!

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 23, 2024

No doubt, absolutely no doubt! 😊


Oh you big meanie!

Fortunately he's easily motivated by food (we have that in common) so I can safely fall asleep with him in the room.


If you could read his thoughts...

It really did ping my heart but sometimes love is hard. lolz!

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