10 10

Can you see me now?

Sheannutt 9 July 18
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Plant1010J Level 6 July 19, 2018

Are you serious!?!?! Whoa! I had to look two or three times to see!


Wow, someone blends in very well.


I used to have a golden retriever, and floors that were golden retriever colored. I would trip over him in the semidarkness and scare the blazes out of both of us. I miss my boy.

@Sheannutt He was the son I never gave birth to. We got him when the kids were 11, 8, and 4. The middle daughter told him all her secrets, he was her therapist. He lived to a good old age and passed peacefully. Best dog ever.

@Sheannutt It was. My oldest wants to get a golden for her family. They just had a baby, I think the golden will wait a while. I'd like another dog one day, but a smaller dog. Chief was great, but I would not be able to lift him now, not that I did much of that 10 years ago.


Oh pretty!!


Wow, that's a nice trick. Beautiful capture.

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 18, 2018

Its Jesus. Hey everybody. Its Jesus on the door. Start charging admission. We're gonna be rich!!!
Happy days are here again. Jesus on the door my friend. Everybody the worlds at end. Jesus on the door again.

Mooolah Level 8 July 18, 2018

Open the door if you want me to see you.


Wow! I would be so screwed. Bad enough having two black cats I don't see in the dark.

This is next level camo.

RavenCT Level 9 July 18, 2018

@Sheannutt The tuxie I stand a chance. The all black with black whiskers? Oh boy.


Holy Cats!! That is some crazy cameowflage. Careful where you step.

scurry Level 9 July 18, 2018
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