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So a friend calls me because his cat has cncer and he needed to borrow $2,000 for the operation. I setn the money to him, but oly because he has previously paid back all the money he ever borrowed from me.

The moral of the story is always pay back they money you borrow, because someday our kitty may need an operation.

My sister and I love cats, but loaning money for someone else's cat, makes me really hesitant and worried about getting the money back at some point.

snytiger6 9 Aug 18
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You are a very kind person. Ceiling cat will smoke upon you. Lol.

Booklover Level 7 Aug 19, 2018

Smile a that's supposed to say smile! Lol

@Booklover On top and to the right of your post are three boxes. The one on the left with the three lines will drop down a menu to let you edit your post The middle one of course is to reply and the one ont he right is to "like" a post.

I am half blind and often find myself editing posts from a few days earlier because I didn't notice the typos when I posted it.

@snytiger6 d'oh! Thanks for telling me. I never noticed it before. ? a virtual hug for you.


Best wishes to you and the kitty. You have a good heart.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 18, 2018

I hope it works out well for you and your friend's kitty. Kitty is family.


I once worked with a man who considered himself a good Christian. I was talking with him one day and he told me he would loan money to other good Christian's, but he would tell them they had to pay it back. He then told me that he always considered it just a good deed and if the people he loaned to did not pay it back then that is the way it is. No hard feelings. Being a Christian is hard, I cannot do it as there is way to much hypocrisy. Though I thought this was good of him he also voted for trump, thinks the religious right is good and hold other beliefs that I do not consider good. I personally loan only what I can give away. If someone needs help i help i do not expect reciprocity, nor do i keep track.

I can afford tolose the money... although I[d refer not to My friend is a good honest person.


I hope this works out for you and your friends cat.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

You are a good friend, pet people are gold. Xoxo ❤

CaroleKay Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

"Neither a borrower nor lender be"
Consider it a gift. Or do not provide money anymore.

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

An option that does not create the benefit of the circulation of money. I lend AU$2 (U.S. $1). It is repaid, I can now lend that $2 to another needy person. They repay ... and so on resulting in hundreds benefitting from that fixed amount.
Corollary - only lend the amount that you can currently afford to lose.

I have learned to only lend money I can afford to lose. As i have gotten older, the friend I lent to this time is the only friend left that I'd consider to be a good risk.


My heart cat got sick several years ago while I was still married to the father of my children. It was Thanksgiving weekend, my ex's parents were visiting. When we realized the kitty was sick it was late in the day, the inlaws had gone to bed and my 3 teenagers were desperate that we had to do SOMETHING. So kitty went to the Emergency Vet. The inlaws reported to their son in the morning that they thought we (kids and me) were fighting. No, just the clanking of the cat cage on the way to the car. That kitty visit cost around $1000, followed by another $600 to the usual vet. And the ex says "is it worth it?" I said "could you look at your daughters and tell them there is a price on the love we have for this cat, and how much we will spend to make her better? If you can make that decision in front of your kids and justify it with them..." It is hard when your fur babies are sick. How much money is too much? Hard, hard call.

Even without the added emotion of children.


I learned this one the hard way "never loan money you can't afford to lose".

Good for you helping though. ❤

Also this is help with Vet bills for future use - your friend might have been just as happy to use a CareCard or one of these agencies:

RavenCT Level 9 Aug 18, 2018

Are they only American or world wide in their scope?

Thanks, I passed on the meme with all the vet care groups to my friend for possible future kitty emergencies. He has three kitties. He did have four, but one got sick and just wasted away less than a year ago. It was really sad. They never did know what as wrong.

@FrayedBear I actually don't know? This came from my cat group on Facebook. I know I checked the links at the time to verify it but it was addressing a person in the US so I didn't think to ask.

Oh my, thank you for this list!

@Booklover You're very welcome!

@RavenCT thank you.

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