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I had a long talk with Cloris - told her that she must never, never, hide from me again. I had moved lots of furniture looking for her. Just as I was about to call the desk attendant in my complex, Cloris appeared behind me, appeared out of nowhere. When I scolded her, she smirked and purred, like there was no problem. I still have no idea where she hid. She must have shrunk to a fraction of her size - she is plump - and squeezed into a tiny place.

SKH78 8 Sep 9
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My cats can jump from the floor to the top of my washer, to a shelf, and from there they can get in the floor between the main floor and basement. That is where they go when they hear the garage door open or the doorbell ring.


One has to watch for black holes, they can appear at any time, especially around cats. They have complete control of that kind of stuff.


I'm convinced they can be sitting in front of us and can't be seen if they don't want to be.

Booklover Level 7 Sep 9, 2018

They are good at hiding.


Is it time for a bell? I find the quietest bell I can, but found it wonderful to know where she was. Saved me from stepping on her a few times...

Hathacat Level 9 Sep 9, 2018

They know they can push our buttons.

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