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Something has sure caught wendy's attention! that's layla behind her. i started to write this waltz but never finished it.


genessa 8 Sep 24
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lol in answer to all your questions: i added the music later, so the cats are not reacting to that. they do react when i sing, though. wendy is probably watching me, since i probably took this with a computer rather than with a phone and thus didn't have it in my hand and was free to walk about. layla, the one in the background, died a tragic death after a play-fight with wendy; she hit her head on the metal bed frame and had seizures, and died before we could even get her to the vet. wendy is still with us and purring loudly near me right now. the instruments are from a computer program i had a while back. most of it is a honky tonk piano (from the program, whose name i don't even remember, and i sure would love to have it again on this computer). i wrote this on the program and had the sheet music that i wrote at one time -- moving a whole lot results in a lot of loss. thanks for asking!


genessa Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

Purrtee kitties.


Very pretty faces and their expressions show they like your music. Mine like me to whistle music for them. They want to sit on my lap when I do that.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 24, 2018

Wendy's head was moving in the wrong direction for it to have been a spider on a thread and a bit too quick in the back and fro for a mouse on the picture mould, that leaves a nice dirty fly above your head!

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 24, 2018

Unless of course, you have a pet cobra that was about to strike for your jugular and was behind you with its head swaying ... Perhaps I'm now talking to a deceased waltz composer and the ghost of genessa. Oh dear! ???
What were you playing on?



FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 24, 2018
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