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One for @RobertNappi and a few others:

FrayedBear 9 Oct 6
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My cats do this on leather boots.....or work gloves. ????

Lavergne Level 8 Oct 7, 2018

Haha, leather fetish cats! Is it only black leather or are they not colour prejudiced?

@FrayedBear ...any leather will do. 😉


Thanks...I'll stick to the BROWNIES!!!!!


Think how many poor Chinese you would be helping raise the standard of living for... plus American 1percenters and other grubs on the rip off train.


My cats aren't getting anything from China

Booklover Level 7 Oct 7, 2018

What do you feed them and where does the packaging come from? Americans have been living off the backs of cheap Chinese, Mexican, Puerta Rican, Haitian and other nationalities cheap labour for a long time.

@FrayedBear my cats eat a brand called Fussie Cat supposedly made in US with US ingredients. I try to be careful about products from China. So many medications come from other places like India and Thailand it's very hard to use only u.s. products. One of my beloved cats died from eating contaminated treats made with products from China


Never heard of it.


My cats go bonkers over that stuff.

PolyWolf Level 7 Oct 7, 2018
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