my golde, who (i have likely mentioned) stopped eating and got very frighteningly skinny and bony, has been eating a mush i make out of her meow mix, blended to a powder, and water. at first she would eat very little at a time, and then she sat longer and longer. she likes it best it from time to time i fluffed it up with my finger so she doesn't have to lick the sides of the bowl. no matter how much water i add, it just keeps expanding and eventually gets a little pasty. anyway, i feed her every couple/few hours, like a baby.
well, this morning i woke up and didn't want MY breakfast, but i had to go to the bathroom so i got up and decided i might as well make my breakfast afterwards. as i headed for the loo i saw golde walking down the hall toward the kitchen. hungry, i guess, said i. okay, i'll feed her. when i got to the kitchen myself, i saw her on the dining table, eating the regular meow mix just as if she'd never had a problem at all! all this mush i made her and she is standing there crunching away! good girl, golde!
i'll still give her the mush until she doesn't want it. she needs some meat on those bones! but i am awfully relieved to see she can and will eat the regular food.
Baby food is good as a stimulus to eat. Maybe she had a liile bit of a cold if they can't smell they won't eat
baby food is made with onion, which is toxic to cats. i've nursed cats back to health with it but they have to be at death's door for me to do it. she has been acting healthy! she just looks skeletal. but yay, she's back to meow mix!
@genessa hmm, well a lot of people who show cats use it as a reward. It's what I used for one of our rescues who had an upper respiratory infection fed if to her one bite at a time. Perhaps it takes a lot? Anyway I do agree onions are toxic to cats and dogs, reading labels is good . I'm so glad your girl is better
My vet’s office refers to Meow Mix as “kitty crack.” glad Golde is eating again!
mine just adore it! they've tried so many brands; this is their food of choice. i am still worried about her; she really looks skeletal, though she has been acting normally (well, normally for golde anyway) all along. she seems not to know anything is wrong. but to see her eating as if nothing had been going on, wow, it does my heart good!
@genessa my aunt’s cat just had surgery and she’s doing something similar with wet food- putting it through the blender with water to turn it into a gravy. I fed Mattie scrambled eggs once when she was sick because it was the only thing she would eat. I’ve also boiled chopped salmon or ground beef for sick kitties (they can have the broth too). Just some random ideas. Hopefully Golde keeps eating and gains some weight!
@SkagwayKim thanks! she is 15 and a half but she is a stubborn gal and i want more, more, more, i tell you, more years of her in my life!
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Posted by RobertNappi2Wednesday morning cuteness...HappyNew Year all