8 14

I think Tiger doesn’t want me to use my laptop. And yes he does have strange left eye. He was a rescue kitten we adopted out to what I thought was a good home but we ended up taking him back. He was neglected and had an eye infection that was not attended to. But he’s still my handsome boy and total loverboy.

graceylou 8 Dec 6
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He is beautiful. I have a kitty with a funny eye, too. There were many cats with eye infections and other things going on in the hoarding situation. Some of the cats had lost an eye.


Still love cats?


Lovely boy!!! So amazing.

Skeptic66 Level 7 Dec 6, 2018

Hi Tiger. I bet that long fur keeps you warm in the winter.

Susieq Level 7 Dec 6, 2018

Handsome boy!


Oh, what an absolutely stunningly handsome chap! He reminds me of a cat who lived in the same bloc of apartments as me and my friend Heidi when we were students, and whom we regularly invited in (with offers of chicen) to spend the evening with us. We named him Sabre on account of his unusually long fangs, but later found out he was actually called Garfield - I bet he liked being called Sabre much more!

Jnei Level 8 Dec 6, 2018

That's such an appropriate name. Tiger's brothers and sister are Moose, Mouse, and Chipmunk. They had all been adopted out to good homes. Mouse was tiny and had a heart murmur, and might not live long, but he went with his sister Chipmunk to live with a vet tech.


All I see is a gorgeous boy. I don't even know if there's a name for a color so perfect for a cat. I want to pet his long whiskers.

PolyWolf Level 7 Dec 6, 2018

Cat fancy calls it red. He's gorgeous.

He is very attached to me. We rescued his feral mother when she was almost due to give birth. One morning I found this tiny newborn kitten in the middle of the room instead of with his mom. So I guess he sort of imprinted on me. LOL. He's technically a feral cat by birth.

@graceylou The best kind. We had a foster cat once try to bring us socks so that we'd play with them, because she thought they were her kittens (which were upstairs in her room with her, but she didn't have the sense to bring them, or maybe thought the socks were our kids? I dunno).

@PolyWolf That is so cute. Breeze was (and still is) quite feral in behaviour and would probably rip our faces off if we went near her babies, so we could only check on them when she went to eat. The kittens of course were born domesticated so they were easy to handle. Breeze, Tiger's mom, still lives here with the other non-social former ferals in a different section of the house.

@graceylou This helps with my depression. Thank you. Love stories of good people taking care of good pets, especially the face-removing kind. I'd have been one of those, "Aww, alien!" kids if I'd seen the movie in theaters.

@PolyWolf We have taken in an assortment of unwanteds over the years. I'm still trying to figure out how to accommodate two baby alpacas someone wants to get rid of (I'm not likely to be able to). I take in the ones with health, physical, or behavioural issues others can't handle. I like senior pets too.

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