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Mattie’s kidney disease has progressed. she’s now blind. She’s on meds for high blood pressure and I’ll be starting her on subcutaneous fluids in the next few days- we’ll see how it goes. I asked her if she was maybe thinking about leaving this world and she growled and took a claw-swipe at my hand, so I guess she wants to stay for now. She’s mostly content. She’s still looking for attention and wandering the apartment to see what I’m doing. She still beats up my boyfriend’s two (much larger) cats when they get on her nerves. I know she may not be with me for much longer, but for now she’s being served her favorite wet food while she relaxes on her heating pad warmed bed. We’re consulting with a vet who specializes in hospice and end-of-life care for cats and dogs, and just keeping her as content and comfortable as possible. She likes her bed in the closet, so here I sit on the floor next to her while doing some work on my laptop.

SkagwayKim 7 Dec 30
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My cat died earlier this year,so I can sympathize?

I spent the first hour of my morning preventing her from jumping up on the side of the bathtub...she can jump up, but she’ll fall when she gets down. So she isn’t ready to leave me yet, but I don’t know if I have weeks or months left with her.


Please know that many of us are with you. This is such a difficult time to go through with our kitties. ?

kmdskit3 Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

Mattie is a tough old lady...she’s like the sweet little old lady who whacks people with her cane when they annoy her. Only in Mattie’s case she beats up a cat that’s 3 times her size.


As long as she eats you can still love her with all your heart

I definitely will.


You are doing the right thing, keep up the positive work. She'll be happy as long as she knows you're there for her.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Dec 30, 2018

Thank you!


It sounds as if you're giving her as satisfying a quality of life as possible. She looks content.

pixiedust Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

Thank you. I believe she is content. When that changes, we’ll take the next steps.


You’re doing everything right. She’s very lucky to have you.

Sydland Level 7 Dec 30, 2018

Thank you! ?


Lucky kitty to have someone who knows so much. .???

RavenCT Level 9 Dec 30, 2018

Thank you. It’s been a lot of research.


I'm glad she has a good kitty mom.

Thank you. ??

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