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Right after I took this picture, Ni ni, the black and white, jumped out of the box and Kitty, the gray one, flipped the fuck out and body slammed her and started attacking her! I got him away but Ni ni ran and he chased her and cornered her four more times like he was going to murder her while I chased after them yelling at him to stop. I finally threw a blanket over him and pulled him away, then he was fine. So weird! Normally these two just ignore each other and Ni ni takes a swipe at Kitty every once in a while, but for the most part they don't seem to hate each other. This happed last night and today they are fine and back to normal. The box had been in my roommate's room and she has a cat so we think maybe he was smelling her cat and Ni ni surprised him when she jumped out and he thought it was another cat. He thinks he's tough shit when another cat is around. Ni ni is the sweetest, most polite cat ever, I felt so bad for her.

Remi 7 Feb 5
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Perhaps one was in heat ? Or the other is making testosterone ?

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 5, 2019

Both fixed. I think she just startled him and he thought she was a different cat so he was out for blood


Wow, good call, though. You are probably right.

Hathacat Level 9 Feb 5, 2019

Its a territorial thing....especially if he thought she was another cat.


Cats be weird. One cat I had was hissing at a strange cat that wandered by my patio door. My second cat came running and startled the first, who promptly turned around and wmswung her claws at the second. A $500 vet bill later, for a torn cornea, and both cats were friendly again.

Rob1948 Level 7 Feb 5, 2019

It's that reflex thing. I had a similar situation where two of my cats were aggressively addressing a strange cat on the other side of the door. Mine accidentally bumped into one another and suddenly there was a whirlwind of claws and fur. Luckily I had a bag of chips in my hand and was able to swat some sense into them. Fortunately we didn't have any serious injuries.

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