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Cat schizophrenia?or one bad ass cat 🙂

taichifan 7 Mar 16
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My first cat never met a dog that she couldn’t dominate. She was about a year old when she messed with her first dog. My apartment door was open and a dog stuck his head in. She, a 7 pound black cat, took exception to the intrusion.

She took off after the dog, chasing it away from the apartment. When she came back, a few minutes later, her tail was high. After that, we (my ex and our cat) shared an apartment with a German Shepherd and, later, an Afghan Hound.

The German Shepherd was scared to death of our cat and would hide under a bed. The Afghan would give wide berth anytime she had to walk past the cat.

Most dominant animal I ever had. And, the most loyal.

Rob1948 Level 7 Mar 16, 2019

Did you expect anything different?


My niece's German Shepherd tried to climb into Grandma's lap to get away from the tabby.

It was pretty comical - but the cat meant business and the dog knew it.

It happens pretty often.

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 16, 2019

Have you seen the videos on Facebook. com , of the cats chasing off bears and alligators ?

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 16, 2019

One tough kitty!

IAmLove Level 7 Mar 16, 2019

My grandmother's neighborhood had a bully cat. The cat had a spin in a dryer, and when he came out he was hell on wheels. After a few weeks there were no other male cats in the neighborhood because he ran them off, and he would challenge dogs and they'd go the long way to avoid him. He ruled.

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