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Any of you have a cat that likes to fetch? I had never seen this until my cat brought me a toy to with.

Stuttrboy 5 Mar 21
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Mine fetches toys and straws.

Sydland Level 7 Mar 22, 2019

A couple over the years.

Hathacat Level 9 Mar 22, 2019

Kitties with soul patches rock!?


I have a fetch kitty!! She will bring her mousie to me, and I will toss it down a flight of stairs. She bolts after it and brings it pretty much back to me, not fully. She can do this for hours.

I also have a fetching cat - I throw a mouse toy, she chases it and brings it back to me.


I have had a couple over the years.


I've had many who fetched all the time.


I have had several that will fetch.

Rob1948 Level 7 Mar 21, 2019

I had two cats that fetched. One fetched red balls and the other a mouse. It's was so cute.

Ladydiana Level 7 Mar 21, 2019

An ex taught our cat to fetch; she loved it. The closest my horrible Milo* gets to fetching is to stand near a pipe cleaner ball and death stare at me until I go get it.

He does try and bat them back when we're playing, and will usually attack them towards me, but if I let on that I've noticed, or try and encourage him to do so, he stops ?

*he's not really THAT horrible, but he just scratched me like a minute ago for picking up my phone from under him

ChazH Level 4 Mar 21, 2019

Spike will, when it's his idea.

Booklover Level 7 Mar 21, 2019

Yes. I wake up to toy mice in my bed most mornings due to Heath. That's him in my profile pic..
He also will try to "talk" around a toy in his mouth - like "Hey! Hey look! Look what I caught!" . Often at 2 am.

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 21, 2019
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