2 9

I am not new to Online Shopping
I was on eBay when it was actually for Beanie Babbie's
But i just bought Kitty Litter on Amazon, Same Day Delivery with Prime
that was/will be a new experience when it arrives
what a world

TiernanMcCann 7 Mar 24
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There are advantages and disadvantages. The convenience is amazing. But through no fault of ours Amazon is indeed putting smaller businesses out of business. That certainly doesn't stop me from ordering a lot of stuff online though.

MojoDave Level 9 Mar 24, 2019

Is it truly worth the extra cost for having kitty litter delivered ?

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 24, 2019

Actually same price on Amazon as Walmart, shipping is free with prime and a trip to Walmart costs $6.50 on transit, if I drove parking would be $15.00 so Amazon is cheeper
And I pay for Prime instead of cable tv so shipping is really free

Yes, it is! I have two cats and buy a 25 lb box each time.

No more lifting it off the shelf and putting it my cart. Or dropping it on my foot first, then into the cart. The checker can usually scan it while still in my cart. But then I don't have to lift it into the car and then back out when I get home. And then moving it to its spot in the garage.

Now its dropped off at my front door and I need to move it only one time. And the box it's shiiped in has a big sticker on it that says HEAVY.

And it costs a tiny bit less than Walmart for me.

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