7 10

My old girl has had a rough couple of days, culminating in a vet visit. She apparently successfully passed a stone, independently of anything the vet did, just after the visit. Although the crisis is over and she might not actually need the meds, I will continue with the antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, but not the pain meds.

Often diet is cited as a cause of stones, though there are different types with different causes. The cats have been getting morning canned food for several months. Steiner prefers the cheap crap, so I have been giving them that to encourage her to eat. I'll see if the vet has an opinion when we go back for urinalysis post treatment.

itsmedammit 8 May 17
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Glad she's improving .

Cast1es Level 9 May 17, 2019

Thank you.


Glad she is doing better.

Thank you.


Poor kitty

bobwjr Level 10 May 17, 2019

Poor baby! So painful!

Hathacat Level 9 May 17, 2019

So relieved that she has passed the critical point. Now to figure out how to prevent them.


She's so cute! That mustache! Sweet.

RavenCT Level 9 May 17, 2019

thanks, That 'stache seems to be coming in with age.


As someone with a predisposition to kidney and bladder stones, I assure you she is still in pain post stone passing. Please don't make her suffer without pain meds. She has micro tears in her urethra right now and those pain meds are a blessing. She'd tell you that if she could.

Kafirah Level 8 May 17, 2019

I appreciate your concern, but I am going by her demeanor (and yeah, I know they are pretty stoic). She has been with me for nearly 19 years, and I am a very involved and observant pet mom. The anti-inflammatory provides some pain relief, and medicating her is somewhat traumatic. If I felt she were in serious pain, I would administer the other meds.

And, if she winds up in acute pain again, I can treat her before she gets to the vet.


Poor kitty!

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