11 11

I want one of these... I thought coon cats gave lots of lap coverage....

After reading the comments, I think I might want soemthign more tame after all. It seems the only advantages to getting this kidn of cat instead of a dog is that the cat purrs and will bury its own waste, but from the feedback, it seems that ir requires just as much time and attention as a dog. It is bas enough that a dog is so needy. Put that into a cat and you become a virtual slave... bedause we all know that in the end cats are the real masters.

snytiger6 9 May 29
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There is a local person who raises these creatures. They are great, friendly and adorable. I would love to have one but they can be expensive to care for, specialized food.

Had no idea about the need for specialized food.

@snytiger6 Yes they are quite finiky eaters and have a special need for diet, they are also active and if they get upset have the strength to do a lot of damage. They are one or two generations from being wild.

@dalefvictor That is sort of why I decided nto to try to get a Scottish Wildcat. They tend to do a lot of damage too.


I want an ocealittle!


The sanctuary at which I volunteered has had a number of Savannahs over the years, as well as other exotic cats. They wound up there because they turned out to make unsuitable pets. The domestication varies of course, but has a lot to do with generation, with the F1s being more wild, of course. Some states don't allow them as pets. Some restrict them to certain generations. Some have no restrictions.

They are beautiful and can make interesting pets but I really dislike the idea of making designer pets, particularly given that there are millions of unwanted animals euthanized every year. Sorry, can't help the soapbox.


Yeah, if you have an extra $12k-16k laying around.

Kynlei Level 8 May 29, 2019

Maybe getting a coon cat from the shelter will suffice after all.

@snytiger6 I wouldmucj rather have a Maine Coon or a Norwegian Forest Cat. Lots more fun and a much better critter with a great personality.


I have a fetch kitty. She is a SHD, has several toys that she will drop near me and hang around until I throw them down the hall or drop over the bannister into the basement. Then she will repeat, and repeat, and repeat..... Crazy little girl.


Adorable but hyper - needs tons of play time.

I have a Siberian cat you would love for lap coverage. (That's my best guess he was a shelter cat). He fits the breed description perfectly. He's also over 15lbs of cat. That is a lot of snuggle power.

RavenCT Level 9 May 29, 2019

I had a Siberian.
Incredible lap cat.


They also require a lot of space and interaction as they are very active. Not a cat for your lap.

Rob1948 Level 7 May 29, 2019

Bred from wild cats.

Booklover Level 7 May 29, 2019

What a beauty!


Beautiful animal


He's looking down his nose at you .

Cast1es Level 9 May 29, 2019
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