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Cats have internal clocks. At precisely 9:30 each night, Zoe and Cloris go to the location where I keep cans of their favorite foods and they start meowing, looked for me to open up a can. I am sure they have internal clocks. Maybe they are attuned to that big clock, I think, is in Colorado? Anyway, they always know what time it is.

SKH78 8 July 23
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It's when the tummy growls .

Cast1es Level 9 July 26, 2019

I think cats are just attuned to us. If we are punctual, they know what time it is. If we are sporatic abotu our schdules then not so much.

snytiger6 Level 9 July 25, 2019

Mine let me know when I am late .

GEGR Level 7 July 23, 2019

They always let us know when we are a bit late with their canned food.


Deep in the bowels of a mountain the atomic clock is safe from most radiation except neutrinos which cats obviously eat @ 2130 military ready to claw you if you forget their gawdly appetites


@SKH78 6 more minutes Sue....Zoe&Cloris are watching you now


Yes, they know meal time, treat time, my nightly bath time, & when its my bedtime.


I remember seeing that clock! I heard if you have meds you need to take at a certain time, give your cat a treat at that time! They won’t forget!

Hathacat Level 9 July 23, 2019
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