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I think we all agree, cats are the best. Mine are in their late teens. Yes they require a lot of care but they still give us great times.Today, my white fluff ball decided to play hockey with my large stomach ulcer pill. Before I could get it back, he knocked off the table, leaped after it, as I tried to get it back. He kept going with it into the other room, sliding across the floor batted it under the coach and played with it as I desperately tried to get it back. (he and it were out of reach) He then took off into the dinning room and knocked it under the buffette. He could not reach it but kept trying. I tried too but I couldn't either. So off I went to get another one to take. The final score Cat 1 Servant 0.
Anyone else have a story like this?

scout123456 5 Sep 16
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Yes, several! 😄

MojoDave Level 9 Sep 17, 2019

My sister had a little cat who seemed to have gained "Hedi Powers" as she grew older. I swear i witnessed her walk across the room and go and sit in fromt of the door, and within 15 seconds my sister came downstairs and let her out and then went back upstairs. The cat didn't need to meow, but just willed the door to open.

snytiger6 Level 9 Sep 17, 2019

Just being their wild selves .

GEGR Level 7 Sep 16, 2019

Yes it involved a bag of weed my cat rolled in.

Yes it was legal - and medicinal.

Also weed doesn't work until you heat it.

Apparently he thought he'd caught himself a bag of catnip. (That story never gets old).

RavenCT Level 9 Sep 16, 2019

My cats are constantly stealing my stuff. I'm careful about any medications though. Wouldn't want them to eat any of it.

Kynlei Level 8 Sep 16, 2019

Yes that was my one fear and why I was chasing him. I was afraid the medicine. He had taken a few licks and some dissolved but not enough to hurt him. His vet has him on Pepsid 1/4 tab per day. My Vet is very good and if anyone in the Washington area needs a vet for their cat or dog. I would recommend her. I will not say who here but if someone messages me I will provide details. ( I do not wan to promote on here.


Glad he didn't eat it!

Hathacat Level 9 Sep 16, 2019

Me too!
Once he got hold of a spool of thread and I had to gently retrieve it from his mouth. about a foot had gone down and I spent a half hour getting it out.

He has been melting my heart a great deal these days...

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