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It's amazing what you see when you don't have a video camera rolling! I adopted a little kitten a few months ago. She is so curious and has so much energy! I took an old milk jug and cut it in half to put the litter scooper in it. She has knocked it over and played it many times, so I took the scooper out, and moved it in one of the trash cans (those are heavier, and can't knock them over). She will move that half jug all over the house. She even likes jumping in it. What I saw a little while ago is she moved it in another room. Then was playing with a little ball that has cat nip in it. She put it in her mouth and carried it in her mouth like a dog retrieving a ball! She went in the other room with it in her mouth, and dropped it in the milk jug! That was cute!

I did have another cat (she passed 😟) that would jump on the dresser and paw at the light switch until it would turn on.

Cute little critters!

TheGreatShadow 9 Oct 27
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My younger cat has one special mousie toy that she will drop close to me and wait for me to toss it, so she can run and get it, and bring it back to me. I have a fetch kitty. Well mousie got lost in my bed, and she was soooo bereft. She just kept hunting for it while I was trying to sleep, I ended up shutting the cats out of the bedroom. Then when I stripped my bed yesterday we found mousie! Now she is a happy little fetcher again.

A friend of mine has a cat that plays fetch. First one I have seen do that IRL. Crazy cat! lol

@TheGreatShadow Zelda makes me laugh every day. They are my babies as much as my human kids. My human kids treat their critters the same way.

@HippieChick58 When people first meet me some ask if I have kids. I tell them I have cats not kids. lol

I literally treat the cats better than some people treat their own kids. 😟


Kittens are cute

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 27, 2019

She's a clever one! 💜

RavenCT Level 9 Oct 27, 2019

Spelled furry fart wrong!


Yup, familiar territory.


Sounds so cute.

It was so cute I laughed! I just so happened to see it with my own eyes.


All animals are interesting .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 27, 2019
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