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Don't accidentally watch this new Netflix show thinking it's going to be a fluffy show about Cats.

[] "Don't Fuck With Cats".

It's about serial killers and it's gruesome.

It's a Docuseries so consider yourselves warned.

Someone in one of my cat groups warned us because it really ruined her day.

(also posted to Pet Pictures and Discussion).

RavenCT 9 Dec 21
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It's a well made documentary but very difficult to watch due to content. The gruesome scenes are the postings of a serial killer who is playing cat and mouse with detectives in a race to find him before more crimes are committed.
I needed to pause the video a few times to recompose and brace for more. If they hadn't shown the scenes of cat murders it would have been just another run of the mill murder doc.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Dec 21, 2019

Yes I didn't mean to imply it wasn't well done - I just didn't want anyone doing what she did and thinking it was a fluff piece and "Bam!" right in the kisser!

A lot of us have our fancy holiday stress on already. Accidental serial killer docuseries not needed. 😉

@RavenCT . True and thanks. A warning might have kept me from starting to see it, but once I had committed myself to watch it, it was too late.

I would argue that the film makers are doing something similar to what the killer did - provide gruesome material to gain an audience. I strongly suspect that the same people who decide this is a great series are the very same people who would have watched the killers original videos. The killer so enjoyed the attention he received that he eventually upped the ante and killed a human being.

@itsmedammit Ah! Now I understand why it was so very upsetting.

NOT watching seems a better choice by the minute!

@itsmedammit . You seem to be implying that I would like to seek out and watch videos of somebody killing cats. That is preposterous and a bit slanderous. Just because somebody watches one Netflix documentary about catching a killer does not mean they they are evil. You should recant your statement, it's inflamatory.

@OldGoat43 I slightly modified my comment but stand by my implication that some people liked the sensationalism, and that the film makers are profiting from that. I wouldn't suggest that you, personally, seek out this kind of stuff. Yet, you did continue to watch. Perhaps you have a stronger stomach.

I initially had no idea what I would be in for, but after only a few minutes in, could see it was potentially heading in a gruesome direction. I stopped and did some research. I am angry that I was nearly tricked into watching it, and perhaps my post reflects that.

@itsmedammit . I stopped watching it for a break and came back to see if they actually would catch the nasty murderer and animal abuser. I had to watch a stupid sitcom to get it out of my mind afterwards.


Hadn't even noticed it , yet . I had noticed awhile back , that the vast majority of both films and TV shows on Netflix had to do with murders .

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 21, 2019

That's interesting.
There are a few comedies we've enjoyed but now I'm curious about their general output. I'll have to see what's in our usual viewing lineup.

Certainly nothing wrong with a show on this topic but I didn't want anyone snapping it on for the kids while they cooked dinner!

I've seen some very good movies and documentaries on Netflix. They got me to subscribe more than twenty years ago when I lived in the hills of upstate New York and couldn't receive any television broadcasts. Sometimes there are great comedies and dramas and a few series to binge on. Lately there seem to be more documentaries available, but it changes like the seasons.

I generally enjoy true crime docs. What I object to about this one is the gratuitous actual footage. Apparently it does not show everything but the visual and audio shows much more than is necessary to make the story. It was clear early on that they were going to go too far, so I did not watch.

@OldGoat43 There's certainly enough good content on there to keep us subscribed.


I had started to watch it but quit before I saw too much. I did some research on it and decided it was not something I wanted to see, as there will be some disturbing actual footage. I want to write to someone about it. I suspect the footage is not necessary to make the story. Furthermore I have a feeling the movie might stir up some copy cat activity.

Thanks for thinking to post it here.

Anytime. The woman who viewed it really had her day ruined by it. No one needs that.

I have read that serial killers and serial rapists (the ones who specialize in home invasion assaults) study well known criminals to get tips on how to find the easiest victims and how to sanitize the crime scene. The only evidence they leave behind is evidence they want people to see. These miscreants are quite rare - we can be thankful for that - but when they strike, they really upend people's lives.


I don't have netflix

No worries than.

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