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This is what Minnie [My Cat] does to me. She holds my arm in place with her claws while she bites it. Purring and growling at the same time ha ha. If I try to move it she digs deeper and growls more intensely. That deep, RRRrawwrrr..Oh she loves it, ha.. And everything always has to be on her terms. All the lovin and rubbin, food distribution, what I do and pay attention to, all has to be approved by her, when and where, how long, etc ha ha..

JohnnyQB 7 Mar 11
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I feed about 10 feral Cats and one has warmed up to me . Started out rubbing around on me and now let's me rub her . She is small and feisty and will bite me on occasion . I Love the little rascal .

GEGR Level 7 Mar 12, 2020

Just be happy that she's a small house cat, not a jungle variety.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Mar 11, 2020

Has you well trained.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 11, 2020

Of course she is in charge!

Sounds like she adores you.


It's time you realized you're the alpha cat . Minnie will only learn her behaviour is unacceptable , after you teach her . I read about people who can't get up , because the cart is asleep on their lap . Mine , even if they're asleep , get up when I set my laptop over on the floor . It means I'm getting up , and if they're on top , that means they're getting up . It's a fair deal . They get to sleep on my warm lap for as long as I'm sitting down . When it's time for me to get up , they have to get up first .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 11, 2020

No pic?

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