9 7

Ashley is 18. I don't do clothes for cats, the purple is a cloth diaper so she can sleep with me without peeing on me at 2am again. Poor old bat, I doubt she'll be with us much longer. Deaf, cataracts, arthritis... and she's losing her appetite.

TaraMarshall 7 Apr 18
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Pamela74 Level 4 Apr 22, 2018

Well, she's currently curled up with her daddy in the bedroom.


Dear old cat!

Coffeo Level 8 Apr 21, 2018

I was told my my veterinarian that the first thing to go in a cat is its kidneys.


I know how hard it is to send them to the Rainbow Bridge. When the time is right, do it for her. When she no longer has quality of life. When my old girl was near the end we had a very nice sunny day and I took her out in the grass in the sunshine. She was blind, but she enjoyed the smells on the breeze and the warmth of the sun. I delayed her end so my daughters could be there, it was important to them to be there at the end. I think she had a good death. She had a wonderful life. She was and forever will be my heart cat.


Sweet little old girl <3

kerrys Level 5 Apr 18, 2018

You should see her around other cats. Emily desperately wants to help groom her, and Ashley is a spitting, growling mess when she tries. Too bad, then I probably wouldn't have to bathe her to get the old lady pee smell off her.


I've been where you are many times. It sounds like you're already doing it but love up your kitty as much as you can with the time that is left.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Apr 18, 2018

I have a sick 17 yo & a very aging 19 yo, I know what you're going through!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 18, 2018

When was her last vet visit?
She may have issues they can address.

She has kidney failure, like many older kitties. It's normal for her age, and treatment is expensive and just prolong the end.

@TaraMarshall Sub-Q fluids can make her feel better, I did it for 6 years for my old girl.

@WileEQuixote, she growled, struggled, and bit me when I tried them. She's not a willing participant, and I wouldn't let them do that to my grandmother with Alzheimer's if she fought it.

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